Install Kloudfuse Using Helm

Kloudfuse install adheres to standard helm best practices.

After ensuring that the prerequisites are complete, proceed with the following steps:

Login for Kloudfuse helm registry

Using the token.json you downloaded with your free trial request, run the following command:

cat token.json | helm registry login -u _json_key --password-stdin

In case of failure in this step, see Registry login failure.

Create the kfuse namespace

Create a new namespace kfuse to Install Kloudfuse.

kubectl create ns kfuse
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kfuse

Create a secret for docker images

Create a secret for helm to pull the required docker images:

kubectl create secret docker-registry kfuse-image-pull-credentials \
        --namespace='kfuse' --docker-server '' --docker-username _json_key \
        --docker-email '' \
        --docker-password=''"$(cat token.json)"''

Create and modify the custom_values.yaml file

  1. Create a custom_values.yaml file; if we shared a yaml file with you directly, then modify it as necessary:

  2. Specify the required orgId value, typically the name of your company, to the custom_values.yaml file:

      orgId: <YOUR COMPANY NAME>
  3. Specify the required cloudProvider value. Valid values are aws, gcp, and azure.

      orgId: <ONE OF aws, gcp, or azure>
  4. [Optional] Add a section in to custom_values.yaml to specify to your cloud provider.

Install Kloudfuse

To install Kloudfuse, run the upgrade command:

helm upgrade --install -n kfuse kfuse \
oci:// \
--version <x.y.z>  \ (1)
-f custom_values.yaml
1 version: Valid Kloudfuse release value; use the most recent one.