Formatting and Conversion Functions in FuseQL
Use these functions in the Advanced Search interface to perform relatively complex data transformations. The Logs Query Builder does not natively support these functions.
Converts a base64 string into to an ASCII/UTF-8 string.
- Syntax
| base64Decode(<base64String>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
Hello World
.| base64Decode("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=") as K
Converts an ASCII/UTF-8 string to a base64 string.
- Syntax
| base64Encode(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
.| base64Encode("Hello World") as K
Retrieves the network prefix from an IPv4 address.
- Syntax
| getCIDRPrefix(<ipv4String>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of 24.
| getCIDRPrefix("") as K
Check if the network prefixes of two IPv4 addresses match.
- Syntax
| compareCIDRPrefix(<ipv4String>, <ipv4String>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of true.
| compareCIDRPrefix("", "", 24) as K
The following example returns K with a value of false.
| compareCIDRPrefix("", "", 24) as K
Returns the subnet mask given a prefix length for IPv4 addresses.
- Syntax
| maskFromCIDR(<prefixLength>) as <alias> where <prefixLength> is 0-32
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of
.| maskFromCIDR(32) as K
The following example returns K with a value of
.| maskFromCIDR(31) as K
Concatenates multiple strings, numbers into a new string.
- Syntax
| concat(<field1>, <field2>, ...) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
Hello World 1
.| concat("Hello", " ", "World", " ", 1) as K
Converts long value to hexadecimal value.
- Syntax
| decToHex(<longField>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
.| decToHex("70") as K
Returns a formatted string given a format specifier and arguments.
- Syntax
| format(<formatSpecifierString>, <field1>, ...) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
The count is: 1
.| format("%s : %s", "The count is", 1) as K
Returns a date string given a date, format, and timezone (default UTC).
- Syntax
| formatDate(<dateMilliseconds>) as <alias> | formatDate(<dateMilliseconds>, <formatString>) as <alias> | formatDate(<dateMilliseconds>, <formatString>, <timezoneString>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of
.| formatDate(1730925217838) as K
The following example returns K with a value of
.| formatDate(1730925217838, "01-02-2006") as K
The following example returns K with a value of
2024-11-06 12:33:37
.| formatDate(1730925217838, "2006-01-02 15:04:05", "America/Los_Angeles") as K
Hashes data into a string value using the specified hash algorithm. Supported hash algorithms are MD5, SHA1, SHA2, and MurmurHash3.
- Syntax
| hash(<field>) as <alias> | hash(<field>, <hashAlgorithm>) as <alias> where <hashAlgorithm> is either md5(default), sha1, sha2_256, or murmur3_128
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of
.| hash("hello world") as K
The following example returns K with a value of
.| hash("hello world", "sha1") as K
Converts hexadecimal string to ASCII value.
- Syntax
| hexToAscii(<hexString>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
Hello Gopher!
.| hexToAscii("48656c6c6f20476f7068657221") as K
Converts hexadecimal string to a long value.
- Syntax
| hexToDec(<hexString>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of 4919.
| hexToAscii("0000000000001337") as K
Converts an Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) IP address from the octet dot-decimal format to a decimal format.
- Syntax
| ipv4ToNumber(<ipv4String>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of 178455296.
| ipv4ToNumber("") as K
Checks if a string value is an empty string containing no characters or whitespace.
- Syntax
| isEmpty(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of false.
| isEmpty(" a ") as K
Checks if a string value is null, empty, or contains only empty characters.
- Syntax
| isBlank(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of true.
| isBlank(" ") as K
Checks if a string value can be parsed as a number.
- Syntax
| isNumeric(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of true.
| isNumeric("1.234") as K
Checks if an IPv4 address is private.
- Syntax
| isPrivateIP(<ipv4String>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of true.
| isPrivateIP("") as K
Checks if an IPv4 address is public.
- Syntax
| isPublicIP(<ipv4String>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of false.
| isPrivateIP("") as K
Checks if an IPv4 or IPv6 address is valid.
- Syntax
| isValidIP(<ipString>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of true.
| isValidIP("") as K
The following example returns K with a value of false.
| isValidIP("192.168.400.1") as K
Returns the length of a string.
- Syntax
| len(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
.| len("1234") as K
Validates credit card numbers in a string value using Luhn’s algorithm. The operator removes all non-numeric values and checks if the resulting string is a valid credit card number.
- Syntax
| luhn(<string>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of true.
| luhn("6666-7777-6666-8888") as K
The following example returns K with a value of false.
| luhn("00000000000000031") as K
Returns the current epoch time in milliseconds.
- Syntax
| now() as <alias>
- Examples
| now() as K | formatDate(now(), "YYYY-MM-dd") as today
Returns the end time of the search in milliseconds.
- Syntax
| queryEndTime() as <alias>
- Examples
| queryEndTime() as K
Returns the start time of the search in milliseconds.
- Syntax
| queryStartTime() as <alias>
- Examples
| queryStartTime() as K
Returns the time range for the query being executed in milliseconds.
- Syntax
| queryTimeRange() as <alias>
- Examples
| queryTimeRange() as K
Replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another string. The specified string can be a literal or regex.
- Syntax
| replace(<sourceString>, <searchString>, <replaceString>) as <alias> | replace(<sourceString>, <regexString>, <replaceString>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of
hello gopher
.| replace("hello world", "world", "gopher") as K
The following example returns K with a value of
.| replace("", "[0-9]{5,}", "") as K
Extract a part of a given string and start/end offsets. If end offset is not provided, the substring is taken until the end of the source string.
- Syntax
| substring(<sourceString>, <startOffsert>) as <alias> | substring(<sourceString>, <startOffsert>, <endOffset>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
.| substring("hello world", 0, 5) as K
Parses a string representation of bytes (KB, MB, GB, etc.) into the number of bytes it represents.
- Syntax
| toBytes(<storageSize>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of 1500.
| toBytes("1.5KB") as K
Parses a string representation of time (ns, µs, ms, s, m, h) to nanoseconds.
- Syntax
| toDuration(<timeString>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of 2000000.
| toFloat("2ms") as K
Parses a string representation of a number or a number to a float.
- Syntax
| toFloat(<number>) as <alias> | toFloat(<numberString>) as <alias>
- Examples
The following example returns K with a value of 1.25.
| toFloat("1.25") as K
Parses a string representation of a number or a number to an int.
- Syntax
| toInt(<number>) as <alias> | toInt(<numberString>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of 1.
| toInt("1.5") as K
Converts all letters of a string to lowercase.
- Syntax
| toLowerCase(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
hello world
.| toLowerCase("HELLO WORLD") as K
Converts all letters of a string to lowercase.
- Syntax
| toUpperCase(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
.| toLowerCase("hello world") as K
Removes starting and trailing empty spaces in a string.
- Syntax
| trim(<string>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of
hello world
.| trim(" hello world ") as K
Returns an unescaped url string.
- Syntax
| urlDecode(<urlString>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns K with a value of;
.| urlDecode("") as K
Encodes url into ASCII character set.
- Syntax
| urlDecode(<urlString>) as <alias>
- Example
The following example returns
with a value
.| urlDecode("") as K.