APM Trace pie chart view

The Pie chart view of traces is a quick summary of metrics that match the filter and time interval criteria. While it does not include a time axis, the pie chart is an excellent visual representation of proportional weight of a metric across the data from the time series. The pie chart view also includes the table representation of the items on the chart; you can sort by name of service, or by the count of spans in each service.

Follow these steps to get to the Traces: Pie Chart interface:

  1. Click the APM tab, and then the Traces option in the drop-down menu.

    navigate to apm traces
  2. The Traces interface appears.

  3. Select Pie Chart in the view options.

  4. The Pie Chart interface appears.

Using the APM Traces Pie Chart Interface

The Traces: Pie Chart interface has the following information and affordances:

Traces Pie chart view
  1. Filters help you to determine what requires your immediate attention. For details, see APM Traces Filters.

    APM Filters

    To show filters, expand the filters: click the show filters (Show filters) icon in the top left corner of the page.

    To hide the filters, click the hide filters (Hide filters) icon in the top right corner of the filter panel.

  2. Search for any tag on ingested spans.

  3. Overall interval. The default is Last 5 minutes. Click the drop-down to use the time picker and select the appropriate time interval.

    Time picker
  4. Refresh display: click Refresh (Refresh) to update the display.

  5. Use the Query builder to further specify your query. See Specify a query.

  6. Select the Errors only option to report only on traces that contain an error.

    errors only
  7. From the Spans drop-down, select if you plan to examine all spans, service entry spans only, or trace root spans only.

    Spans selector
  8. Click Add Query to add a new query. See Add Query.

  9. Click Add Formula to add a new Formula. See Add a Formula.

  10. The View type selector enables you to specify the view by selecting one of the following modes:

    pie chart

    Pie Chart view

    This article discusses this view.

  11. Click Export (Export) icon to add the chart as a panel of a new or existing dashboard.

  12. Pie Chart of the metrics that match the filters and time interval criteria.

    Here, we counted all spans, grouped them by service, and limited to top 5.

  13. Table of the metrics that match the filters and time interval criteria.

    Here, we counted all spans, grouped them by service, and limited to top 5.