Metrics Summary

The Metrics Explorer provides a concise view of all metrics ingested by the system, along with all tags and their possible values within the selected time range. You can review one metric at a time.

Determine details of a specific metric

  1. Navigate to the Metrics Summary by clicking the Metrics tab, and selecting Summary:

    metrics summary go
  2. The metrics summary interface enables you to:

    metric summary
    1. Search for the metric by name

    2. Select a metric from the list

  3. Choose a metric; here, we look at the detail of metric aws_logs_call_count.

    metrics summary detail 1
  4. Under Metrics Details,

    1. Notice the name of the metric, aws_logs_call_count, appears. + To save the name of the metric, click the copy (Copy) icon.

    2. To see how the metric changes over time, examine its performance and variability, and perform ad-hoc analysis, click Open Metrics Explorer, Open Metrics Explorer.

  5. In the Metadata section of the details, note these:

    1. Metric type identifies if the metric is a counter, a gauge, or a histogram. See Metric types.

      The metric aws_logs_call_count is a gauge.

    2. Unit specifies the measurement unit of the metric. If not specified, Kloudfuse uses None.

    3. Description: [Optional] Describes the metric,

  6. In the Unique Tags and Series Cardinality section of the details,

    1. Unique Tags reports the number of unique tags.

      Here, the metric aws_logs_call_count has 7 unique tags.

    2. Series Cardinality reports the cardinality of the series.

      Here, the metric aws_logs_call_count has 6.

    3. Search tags enables you to find a particular tag in a very large number of tags.

    4. The Tag Key table lists the unique tags by name, along with the number of existing values as Count.

  7. To see the possible values of a tag, click that tag.

    Here, the interface displays the 5 Tag Values for the resourace key.

    Click on a Tag value to choose one of these actions:

    • Open the Metrics Explorer interface that plots the metric with the specified tag and value.

    • Copy value to Clipboard.

      metrics summary detail 2

Change the time interval

By default, Metric Summary shows the active metrics for the Last hour. To see the details of metrics for a different time interval, click Last hour and proceed to change the time interval in the time/calendar picker.

Refresh screen

To refresh the Metric summary, click the Refresh icon, refresh, at the top right of the interface.