Logs facet filter

Log facets are auto-extracted from the log line. To explore and filter by log facets, follow these steps:

log facet filter
  • Kloudfuse auto-completes log facet names, but not log facet values.

  • Equals and not equals look for an exact match.

  1. Expand the source under the Sources section to view the log facets associated with the source.

  2. Expand on the log facets list to view the values and its count.

  3. To view the log lines with a specific value, click on the facet value to Include/Exclude that line.

  4. Alternatively, perform log facet search directly from the search bar.

    1. Include the @ prefix to denote a log facet. For example, use @source.facet="value".

    2. Choose the comparison operator:


      Regex expression equal


      Regex expression not equal


      Not equal


      Equal (default)