Log analytics Views

Logs contain a large amount of valuable information because developers instrument the application to log the various application metrics within the log line.

Though convenient at development time, large quantities of data make it difficult to analyze the system in production because you must index the logs to extract valuable metrics. The Kloudfuse platform simplifies metric generation from the log line by applying its unique fingerprinting technology, auto-extracting metric facets and highlighting them under each source category.

The Log Analytics views enable users to select the numeric facets to chart along with applicable aggregations.

Log lines

The log lines that contain the metric can be filtered similarly to the log search filtering, or you can skip them.


Range aggregates enable you to apply time aggregation to events from multiple log lines, either across everything or for common dimensions that you can select using Grouping options. These dimensions can include facets extracted from the log lines, or environment tags like pod_name, service name, and so on.


Kloudfuse dynamically generates the chart from the log lines. Use it for ad-hoc analysis during troubleshooting.

  1. To navigate to the log analytics interface, click Logs on the top navigation bar, and select Log Analytics from the drop-down.

    Navigate to Log Analytics interface
  2. The Log Analytics interface appears. Your options are:

Next steps

To enhance your understanding of the metric and the system behavior in general, see these sections next: