APM Service Errors

The Errors chart reports on the errors that the specific service generates: either Errors/sec (default), the number of Errors, or the Errors %.

  1. Click the metrics selector drop-down to choose between Errors/sec, Errors, and Errors % metrics.

    metric selector
  2. Click gear box to select display options:

    Show display options
    • Show Log Scale

      log scale
    • Show Anomaly

  3. Click Explore metric (Explore Metric) icon to expand the chart to full size.

Using the full size Errors chart

The chart provides the following information and affordances:

Hits full size chart
  1. The chart of the metric for the specified time interval appears in the main area.

  2. The metric and its statistics (Avg, Min, Max, Sum, and Value) appear under the horizontal axis.

  3. Click the selector for the chart type, and choose one of the options from the drop-down:

    Choose chart type
    • Line has the normal, thick, and thin option.

    • Bar has the "stacked" option.

    • Area has the stacked option.

    • Points, which has no additional display options.

  4. Overall interval. The default is Last 5 minutes. Click the drop-down to use the time picker and select the appropriate time interval.

    Time picker
  5. Compare to Previous if you chose the Line chart type.

    Depending on the time series data, you can compare the metric to the previous Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Quarter.

    Compare metrics to other time periods
  6. Choose the Y Scale setting: click either the linear (Linear) or Log(Log) option.