Alerts silences

You may have to mute various alerts in the system. To manage the various resulting "silences", perform these steps:

  1. Click the Alerts tab, and select Alert Silences from the drop-down menu.

    navigate to alerts silences
  2. The Silences report appears.

Using the Silences interface

The Silences report has the following information and affordances:

Silences interface
Silences interface
  1. Use Search to find a silenced alert by name when you have a long list.

  2. Review the list of currently silenced alerts

  3. Status of the alert.

    All alerts in this list should be Active (Active).

  4. Matching labels specify the conditions (rules) that trigger the alert.

  5. Alerts is the number of issued alerts for this alert rule.

  6. Schedule of the muting/silence of the alert, start time through end time

  7. Expired Silences are alerts that were recently silenced, and the silence expired.

  8. Status of the alert.

    All alerts in this list should be Expired (Expired).

  9. Matching labels specify the conditions (rules) that triggered the expired alert.

  10. Alerts is the number of times this alert has been issued.

  11. Schedule of the silence of the alert, start time through end time.

  12. Click Add New Silence (Add New Silence) to silence another alert; see Add new silence.

Add new silence

To create a new silence rule, click Add New Silence (Add New Silence).

The Add Silence interface appears. It has the following information and affordances:

alerts silence add
  1. Specify Silence start and end, the time interval when you plan to silence the alert.

    Use the time picker from the drop-down to specify the start of the alert.

  2. Specify the Duration of the alert.

    Note that Silence start and end and Duration changes affect one another.

  3. Specify Matching labels by creating filters defined by labels and comparison values that match silence conditions. You define these labels in the Alert rules interface, when you create a new alert.


    Enter the name of the label


    Regex expression equal


    Regex expression not equal


    Not equal


    Equal (default)


    Specify the comparison value


    To remove one of the defined filters, click Trashcan (Trashcan).

  4. To add another filter, click Add matcher (Add matcher), and specify another matching label.

  5. Click Save Silence (Save Silence) to save the silence definition.

  6. Under the Affected Instances heading, Kloudfuse lists all alerts that were silenced, if they match one or more of the labels. The state of all instances is Suppressed (Suppressed).

Recreate silence

To recreate a silence, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Edit (Edit) icon on the relevant row.

    alerts silence active recreate
  2. In the Edit Silence interface, change the Silence interval and/or Duration, Matching Labels, and click Save Silencce (Save Silence) to save the silence definition.

    alerts recreate silence edit

Unmute alert

To unmute a currently-silenced alert, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Unmute (Unmute) icon on the relevant row.

    alerts silence active unmute
  2. Note that the alert no longer appears in the Silences list.